Kickstart Trends – Magazine Interview
Trends are for everyone and every business. Next to the trends, we collect for Home Décor and Gift industries we are also quite active in the horticultural industry. Plants and flowers are serious business and it’s getting more mature and moving away from producing plants only. Added value, packaging, good commercial mixes and online presence are gaining importance daily, also for the green business. Together with Concept Factory in 's-Hertogenbosch, the biggest marketing agency for horticulture in Holland we have developed a bi-annual trend seminar for people from the industry. Growers, breeders, retailers, importers, hardware vendors and packing specialists participate in these seminars. They all are looking for information that can help them to improve their product range and anticipate consumer trends which are ready to take off.
The trends we presented this time were for Spring Summer 2023. In Home Décor traditionally the emphasis lay on the second half of the year, although the increased interest in gardening made the season longer. For the green business, the emphasis lies on the first part of the year, Springtime and the start of the gardening season. We selected from our big book the trends which are matching with our participant’s markets and customers and the responses were quite enthusiastic after we finished our presentation. We always try to be as practical as possible, this is what separates us from our competitors. The online seminar is completed with a toolbox which contains moodboards, colorcards with removable color chips and lots of DIY materials, the best start for any collection.
Media attention was abundant this time with a big article on the website Platform Bloem from Bloem en Blad Bloemisterij. My trend colleague Anouk Koreman and her boss Janny Meemelink had a day long interview about our Kickstart Trends and the impact on the business. They explained the workings of the project and what the participants could do with this information and the result was a big magazine spread + more online content. Examples of the trends where shown and lots of likes came back afterwards. It’s always nice to see that a job done was appreciated.